
1. introduction

​ 动态数据集上的图处理在许多应用领域越发重要,如推荐系统和欺诈检测等。现今,许多场景下都需要进行大规模的图计算,如图分析(analytics),图模式匹配(graph pattern matching, GPM), 图遍历(tranversals).而这些图计算的数据集是动态变化的,随时都在进行更新。 创建这样一个系统仍然是一个未解决的问题,其根源就是没有底层数据结构既能保证高效率的事务更新,又能有效处理各种各样的图工作负载(比如模式匹配、图遍历就是不同的工作负载)。这篇文章就是要解决这个问题。 为支持分析工作负载(如page rank)和图遍历(单源最短路径)需要支持快速扫描。为了支持模式匹配(如triangle counting),数据结构需要有序to enable fast intersections。为了保证更新速度,该数据结构需要支持动态更新。为了保证并发,需要实现多版本。

2. background

动态图上的图工作负载主要有三类:analytics(Page rank),grapha pattern matching(triangle count), graph traversals(single-source-shortest path),怎么在动态图上支持所有的workload是一个问题。

2.1 problem



  1. all workloads require fast scannilng of neighborhoods
  2. high throughput of new deges requires fast insertions
  3. GPM needs intersection.



insertion+intersection可以使用hash set,但是 hash sets have empty slots which require the evaluation of apredicate for each scanned element



2.3 Graphalytic Benchmake

WCC:weakly connected component

PR: PageRank

CDLP:community detection via label propagation

BFS: breadth-first search

SSSP: weighted single-source shortest path

LCC: local clustering co-efficient

3. Requirements and design goals

Four memory access patterns:

  1. sequential access to the neighborhoods of all vertices
  2. sequential access to the edges within a neighborhood
  3. random access to algorithm-specific properties, e.g., scores for PageRank or distances for BFS
  4. random access to the neighborhoods of all vertices.

3.1 Sequential Vertex Access



3.2 sequential neighborhoods access

先说明下sequential vertex access 和sequential neighborhoods access的区别(个人理解):

sequential vertex也就意味着所有的顶点访问都可以连续内存,而sequential neighborhood只是某个顶点的neighborhoods的是在连续的内存区域。对应上面图的1和2.

We conclude that optimal sequential neighborhood access can be supported by set data structures with at least 256 edges per block.

3.3 random access to algorithm properties

3.4 random vertex access

3.5 transactoin on graphs